And Just Like That…

It’s October.

Behind us are the months and days of turmoil. So many around us suffering a loss of some kind. My step-brother navigating around FuckingCancer. Julie redefining what her life and work looks like. Audra managing the loss of her sweet pup Wylie Coyote. The grieving over lost loved ones like MRM, the grieving over relationships and marriages that have dissolved. It seems that this summer was chock full of challenges for us all on some level.

I’m not suggesting that with a fresh calendar page all of everything is automatically wiped clean and now sparkles.

But there *is something nice about October.

It’s always been the beginning of my Magic Time. Audra’s birthday, so many friends’ birthday’s actually (hey Libras!) Halloween, then my birthday and the holidays…the shift in the weather, all of it wraps up into a magical powerful time for me. I look forward to it, refueling my soul from the break-neck summer.

Did I tell you I’m taking a life writing/memoir class? I am. Online, for 6 weeks. So far I’m really liking it. It works for my schedule, I have committed time during the week to write, though I would love to have more, that sanctuary “room of one’s own” space, I haven’t taken the time to create that so here I sit at the kitchen table. Typing away on my sweet old machine. It’s been interesting. Difficult at times. But I am enjoying the process. It fits with this time for me, the creative months.

I finished reading Brene Brown’s Rising Strong and so much has stayed with me. Several tenants of the theory, and when I give myself a little more time I’m going back to work fully on the entire process. The one that I’ve taken to heart though, is the one that says:

When we combine the courage to make clear what works for us and what doesn’t, with the compassion to assume that people are doing their best, our lives change. 

I can’t tell you how often I mutter to myself, “she’s doing her best. She’s doing her best” while I’m at work. Or really giving thought to what works for me, and what doesn’t. Am I saying yes but screaming NO inside? Am I holding a grudge or standing in self righteousness about this? why?

am I doing the best I can? 

And it’s kind of amazing the way it’s working for me.

If you haven’t read the book, I highly recommend it. She speaks some solid truths, that Brene’ Brown.

So today, as we begin a fresh month, and look forward to fires on the porch decorated with mums and pumpkins (got mine last weekend–and seriously if you have an Aldi store near you get your pumpkins there. SO cheap!) I also look forward to the magic of the season. I hope some of it flows your way, too.

3 thoughts on “And Just Like That…

  1. I just did my morning loop around the fountains and had to wrap my sweater around me. By the time I came in my cheeks were that cold pink that only the brisk Fall weather can give you. I think we’ll buy pumpkins this weekend. Here’s to a new season!


  2. Bugs got my pumpkin vines, but I salvaged three nice big ones before clearing the patch. They sit with dahlias and butterfly weed and the starkly beautiful cactus skeleton in my flower bed. Between that vision and the crisp air, I too feel that fall renewal. For us, it was b-days and anniversaries, but there are trips in a month and hiking and junk/antiquing days planned for the weekend. It all starts over again.


  3. October is the best month of the year. It has my whole heart. And I’m trying to rush through my book club book to hopefully have time before our next meeting to get a good start on Rising Strong. That quote speaks to me as well. I’m so glad you shared it on Instagram last week. It was like you posted it just for me and you had no idea. But I’m selfish like that. 😉


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