Day One!

It’s here! It’s Here!


National Blog Posting Month. Post at least once a day for an entire month.

wow. how is it NOVEMBER already??? Stupid fast. This year has just been stupid fast.

I’ve had a great weekend, full of fun as is the way I roll. I loved that extra hour this morning…it felt soooooooo good to realize I didn’t have to get up and work this morning. I didn’t have to do anything but snuggle with Sammy, who is SOOOOO loving these days. I’m going to miss them when I leave in a few days.

Ok. I have much to write about that has substance, but I have to shower, eat, shop for two baby showers and a 2 yr old birthday party today. Go to one shower and one birthday. so I will leave you with some photos of the party I went to last night.

I love my classmates. I love that we continue to get together and enjoy each other. I just love us!!! It was a great party!

5 thoughts on “Day One!

  1. Great pics. You are beautiful and yes I am very partial…I'm glad you all had fun and good luck with the parties today…Sis and hubby got the bed painted, the one that was made by dad when you were about four. It is now a Pottery Barn blue and is Wonderbaby's new bed. It had to come thru the window…brought back memories when…have a great day, and wonderful trip. Give Chicago guy a hug from mom. Be careful and have fun, Much love, Mamo P.S. I wrote from someone else's computer the other day. Was having trouble getting mine to go online…


  2. Cool eyelash things. I thought it was just make-up, but then I clicked on the picture to see up close and holy moly on the eyelashes.


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