Shake It Off and Escape.

Sitting around with Chris and Cindy this past Monday evening, waiting for our burgers and sweet potatos to finish on the grill, we were venting our individual gripes. They weren’t bad, but seems like we all had the same thing going on.

same ole same ole. just get through the week. just get the bills paid. just get home and get a load of laundry done. just get some sleep. just get up and get through the day. work work work. work at home. work at work.

dreams of travel. of escape. of new. of different. of relief.


And I thought it was just me. This year has NOT been fun. Since my last birthday, it’s pretty much been one thing after another. Down the hill and up again. I don’t have a lot of nice things to say about 2010 thus far. So…

let’s escape.

To The Beach
Pack it up, we're heading to the beach!

Under the Tuscan Sun...where everything is better than it is here.

I've moved in with Kelly and Donna. Dylan is waiting for me on the beach.

Dublin? Pub? Pint? YES!!!

I would wrestle someone in olive oil to get here...

Machu Picchu!

If you're Take a don't MOVE to Napa.

Edinburgh...Scotland...yes please.


my heart is here.

so where would you escape to?

9 thoughts on “Shake It Off and Escape.

  1. My escape dreams lately haven’t been of the place as much as what I would do when I got there.
    I want to jump off of a mountain or out of a plane. I want to zip from treetop to treetop.
    I want to fly.
    I want to soar.


  2. @Kizz, yes. Easter Island.
    @Chrome, you can jump out of a plane when you’re home this summer. and I’ll go to Costa Rica and zipline…yes indeedy.


  3. @ Both of you: Easter Island has long been on my to-do list. My research has shown that it’s probably the most expensive trip on the planet. Sign me up and let’s start a fund!


  4. Just drag me any where, It’s all way better then here. I’m a horrible grouch this week because my boss has turned psycho crazy again. I wonder if next week she’ll be the nice boss again.


  5. Amsterdam! Seattle! Portland! Vancouver! At this point, I’ll settle for a tent in the woods with a nice fire, some fire roasted food, and some happy-making drinks.


  6. Pick Me, pick me…2010 can BURN thus far…I am not fond of feeling ill towards a year as a whole…but 7 months has been 7 too many for this year!! The next 5 will have to be better…I WILL TRAVEL ANYWHERE WITH YOU, my friend!!


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