Feel Better Things

I’m having wedding withdrawl.  Combine that with the potential cold and sore throat icky feelings I woke up with and it was necessary for me to come home early from work and make a pot of soup. I did the fast track kind of soup vs. the simmer all day long start from scratch. Ain’nobody got time for that today.

Here’s what I did for mine.

1 Rotisserie chicken

big handful of carrots sliced

big handful of celery sliced

spoon full of chopped garlic

1 yellow onion chopped fine

half a thing of sliced mushrooms I had in the fridge

bay leaf or two

1 carton of chicken broth

about three cups of water

two little square bullion cubes/chicken flavor

half a bag of amish egg noodles

salt/pepper to taste

bring to boil, lower to simmer until ready to eat.


Mark came home from an arts council meeting, too late to take our Christmas Card photo. We sat down to big bowls of soup and sleeves of saltine crackers and he said, “this is the best chicken noodle soup I’ve ever had.”

Then he made me another cup of tea.

I feel like 12 miles of dirt road, progressively feeling worse since I got home, so I’ll be hitting the bed early. I’ll slather my feet with Vicks Vap-O-Rub and call it good by 7:30.

What’s your feel better recipe?

4 thoughts on “Feel Better Things

  1. Homemade egg drop soup if I am to the terrible point, the point where even shredding a store bought chicken is a no go. Bring chicken broth to gentle boil. Add corn and green onions if you wish. Whisk an egg. Drizzle into broth while stirring in a circular motion. Cook until egg firms into strands. Go back to recline and sip from big mug. Oh yeah, add soy sauce if that is your thing.

    Hope you are well speedily. You are a crazy busy woman who has no time for this, but while you are down, read something good.


    1. If it matters, the egg drop cooks super fast. I would say once you stir in the egg, it is done in under a minute. Also, it very calorie friendly.


  2. I get a craving for miso soup when I’m sick. Unfortunately I don’t have a recipe so I order it from a place up the street. I hear miso soup is pretty easy to make. I just haven’t made it far enough to figure it out.

    The funk is going around. Feel better soon.


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