Lenten Journey

There is so much unrest among us these days.

So much distrust, so much spite and hate and confusion.

I choose not to watch the State of the Union last night. I was packing. My friend Lynn came over, and I’ve seen all too little of her these past months. I painted my nails. We ate vegan cupcakes.

And we watched the Westminster Dog Show.

It was a lovely night. Oooooohing and Aaaaaaahhhhing over all the pups. Crazy blow outs, crazy haircuts, silly prancings…It was delightful. We had baby talk at the big ole rotties, the mastiffs, the Newfs.  The white bull terrier stopped to eat a little poop dropping. The German wired terrier worked the audience. But it was the black affinpincher (like the dog in As Good As It Gets) named Banana Joe that took home the top prize.


And I drank the rest of the soda in the house.

Because today is Lent. And for the next 40 days, no more soda. Of any kind.

In addition to that, I’m committing to at minimum 10 minutes of prayer and reflection. My focus in this time will be about my journey. Focusing on getting clarity for the What’s Next portion of this Grad School Thing. Focusing on employment. Focusing on where I’m to be used most effectively to employ change and love in the lives of others. I’ll also be focusing on my own spiritual journey, one that has been sadly lacking and almost non-existent lately.

It’s so easy to get discouraged. Especially when you see what people are doing and saying and believing in the name of God. Spewing hate and intolerance and darkness under the veil of atonement and holiness. It’s easy to walk away and say, “let them have it. I’m done”

The difficult part is to stay engaged. Stay authentic in the love and the kindness and stay active in living a life that is an example. Helping when needed. Loving and caring and going the extra mile to comfort someone. Teaching that love has no boundaries, and that grace is the ultimate equal opportunity employer.

These actions have nothing to do with who wants your guns. These things aren’t affected by what party is on your voter I.D. It has everything, however, to do with what you ingest on a daily basis.

That guy that ate McDonald’s for 30 days and got a case of the bloated bloods and spastic everything? The same result comes from feeding your soul nothing but CNN, FOX, MSNBC, Facebook and Twitter.

I’m not leaving social media. I’m promoting a show to help Infant Crisis Services, remember?

But I am going to take time every day to read something nourishing. To sit in quiet, or to pray for guidance and direction.

God bless you today, on the beginning of this time of introspect. My wish for you is that these next 40 days, however you approach them, brings you one day closer to peace.

Spring is coming.


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